The strongest Blockboards that can withhold any damage with ease

Blockboard consists of a core made of wooden strips or blocks, placed edge to edge between two layers of plywood, which are then glued together under high pressure. Generally, softwood is used in blockboards. The durability and less susceptibility to moisture make blockboards by Sundawn a great choice for your contemporary kitchen and marine areas of the house. They come in contemporary and sleek designs that enhance the beauty of your house with moisture resistant qualities. Commercial Ply as well as Marine Ply, Sundawn are made with finesse where we focus on the extreme qualities along with making them the perfect decorative for your home.


The veneer that is manufactured with utter precision and design knowledge at Sundawn are of the best quality.

The veneer that is manufactured with utter precision and design knowledge at Sundawn are of the best quality.

The veneer that is manufactured with utter precision and design knowledge at Sundawn are of the best quality.

The veneer that is manufactured with utter precision and design knowledge at Sundawn are of the best quality.

Words From Our Customers